against that, or any health concern.

But we would plead with you, to not

destroy the 8 years of work that has gone into trying to understand what's

going on there by, by taking all of the crops off Enjebi.
Senator John:

May.I reply to that?

Well, then, I just want to remind you

that the first part of this year, I believe, DOE sent their ship up, and we
had a body count of our population or, you know certain of our people.


some people who had not showed contamination before, or at least a certain
amount, that had risen and so we were asked, those people were asked, "Well
have you been drinking coconuts from Enjebi?7"”
breacfruit from Enjebi?"
count has risen."

“Well yes."


“Have you eaten some

"Well then that is why your body

And so look, we have already been told that and now you

are saying that we tan go do that.

And yet that, it is obvious that we are

gonna, our body counts are going to rise, because if we go and do that.

That is absolutely correct.

It will rise, you would expect that, and

that is one ot the reasons we have the whole body counting program, in
order that we can anticipate and see before that rise becomes a matter of

our life.

All of us have a fluctuation in our whole body count throughout

This is occurring all the time.

I would compare it, Senator,

with your doctor who may put you on the scale and weigh you periodically.
If he has put you on a diet, I am not speaking of you of course, this would
not apply to you, but if your doctor should think that someone was gaining
too much weight, he might put him on a diet and make some recommendations

to him and then he will periodically weigh him.

And if he finds that he fs

gettina too heavy, too fat, he will make some new recommendations.
whole body counting is_very much like that.


We use the whole body counting

to monitor what's happening in the population and the fact that we come

back and yes, your number has risen, does not necessarily, does not mean
that there is any expectation of illness from this, but it may mean that we
would suggest that you try to change your diet some and not let that
continue, not let it rise continuously.


Is there another question over here?


Yes, sir.

Select target paragraph3