Buck for the Marshallese:

Qh, 1 was just going to say, the meaning of your

reply, is leave them for us.

Don't use them because we need them.

Well, I'm just saying that we do need a certain number of breadfruit

and pandanas in order to, to make better evaluations of Enjebi Island and
if they are all gone then we can't do that.
Senator John:

So we need some of them.

I would like there to be a supplement report or additional

information given than what is in the book and on this, this matter.


in each island or atoll is it best to harvest or have food grown and what
are the amourts of certain foods that would be advisable for us to feel
free in eating as opposed to other amounts.

Are there some guidelines like

that, because that’ information isn't given here and it seems very important
for us to know?


And that is precisely, that is precisely one of the reasons that 8111

Robison needs to continue the experimentation on Enjebi.
exclusively applicable to Enjebi.

That is not

It's learning what occurs in an island

for application to other locations, as well.
Senator John:

Well, thank you for your reply.

I just am still kind of

marveling at the fact that you have quite extensive data in this report
from atoll to atoll but I really don't see any concrete recommendations
that you have made regarding people's diet.
impertant for us to know.

And it seems Tike that fs very

How much breadfruit, how much pandanas?

Robison: Well, J think again I can repeat what was said earlier with the
exclusion of Bikini and the northern end of Rongelap there is no need to
worry, I mean you can eat breadfruit and pandanas and coconut from any of
the islands in any quantity from the other atolls.

The doses we predict

from that are very low and like we said are no different than, than
exposures that other people get throughout the world.



Your number 4 on this map, ...it seems like yesterday you

said everywhere is fine, permissible for people to live and take their food

Select target paragraph3