strate my medical opinion of the hazards that the Marshallese people are facing and will continue to face in the
I am hopeful that the statistical and medical

stucies which I have recommended will delineate more
Clearly the injury to the Marshallese, and allow the
Marshallese leaders a better opportunity to understand

the problem of their islands. This collection of information can well lead to an improvement in diagnosis of
hitherto unrecognize@ food-chain radiation caused diseases,
to the identification of the channels through which injury

and ultimate result in better treatment and even

prophylaxis of one type of another againt the development
of such disease,


for example,

the prophylactic use of

inorganic icdine, lessening further absorption by radioactive lodine from food by blocking iodine uptake.
Very sincerely yours,

RAM: 1s

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