“‘Most of the exposure to whole body, at Enewetak, and in

fact to all organs will come from internal emitters. The shape
of the dose-effect curve for exposure from internal emitters
is most uncertain because of lack of experience and lack of
confidence in extrapolation of high dose and dose rate
effects into the very low dose and low doseratesituation. A

lack of confidence in the statistic and risk estimate drawn
therefrom has therefore led the Task Group to have serious
reservations abouttheir validity. The Task Group holds the

opinion that such estimates cannot be usedin any definitive
way to draw conclusions on whether current radiation
standards are too high or too low or as a basis for decision-

making relative to resettlement of Enewetak Atoll.’’*

*Report by AEC Task Group on recommendations for cleanup and
rehabilitation of Enewetak Atoll, June 18, 1974

Select target paragraph3