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© 1959

T. 9. Pflaum, YO, Chief of Envir., Safety & Health (NP-275.1) STN
ATTY: Q. H. Hank, HO (MP=226.1) Tl!
The Nevada Operations Office (NV), Healt> Physics Division (HPN), has obtained
comments from the scientific laboratories, annropriate contractors, and staff
on the subiect document. A brief summary of those comments is provided helow.

Poacansa tha maximum measured Pu concentration outside of the Aellis Bombing
and Gunnery Range (observed during samptina anoroxinately 19 voars aqn) is
less than a hal? of the screening level, we beliaya the recommendations of the

report probably will not impact significantly on “TS activities.

Even so, the

racormandations are not considered reasonable. 'lnwever, because thers is
qreat vartability between Incations of samples and aliquots af the same sot]

sample (i.8., the hot particle problen), it is conceivable that someone could

find atf-sit? locations which would exceed the screening level,
In addition,
we nave substantial areas contaminated above those limits on the flellis rangs,
hun aff tie ETS, as well as substantial areas ahove the limits an the NTS,
It appaars chat the real hasis for these recommendations is “as Inw as can he
talorated without heavily consuming agency hudgets," and is nor based on any
cost-hennfit analysis. Any number of. approaches cnuld he used to assiqn a
valuo to a life and thereby calculate a dollar v3iue for dose reduction which
canld ha balanced against claanup costs.
Instead, the reoort lists an
absolute risk of 10 uf 197° deaths:ser yoar as,(reasonable and then turns
arnuni and selects 160° (not 5 x 10” or 3x 10° *y without cansidering cost or



The auidanea lavels of 1 m8/yr to the pulmonary tine, 3 mm/yr to hone, or 49

mR/ yr ta the bane surface are not directly measurable quantities and theretore
are of Vittle eractical use.

Complex and auestionable calculations would he

required ta transvorm mnasuroad contamination levels to doses.

‘Inv such

calculations contain jwiqmantal factors cancerning dietary habits and personal
praferancas weich could fe challenced and the rasnansibla adency could find
itself in ondlass court Sattles renardina compliance. The enly certain way to
assnre compliance woul-l ba oronidsitive far rautingop rations.
SO pet,

Gacts of cloanup, if in should Se poquipnd, aro osrimatad in the FPA document
at unwards oF SAA UN ner acre, which excaeds tne intrinsic land value around

Tho “TS two enpa than taq times, Tris ind of cost rabative to the estimated
mateatial nenatit ar ach less than one anneniltionth af a "health atfeet”

Spems arassly exe-ssiyve.

Select target paragraph3