screening level are given in the next slide (Slide 3).

They claim that the

use of the dust storm data is appropriate because two other studies gave the
same results.


In estimating doses to the lung and bone they used the organ weights in
the next slide (Slide 4).

The chief discrepancy is in the lung weight where

the EPA tried to describe the tissues irradiated more closely than most.


course, the new ICRP calculations used the dose to the bone surface assumed to
weigh 120 grams rather than the average bone dose.
calculations are given in the next slide (Slide 5).

These ICRP bone surface
It is of some interest

that this calculation gives a factor of 10 over the average bone dose while
the older calculation uses a factor of 5 as derived from early animal

The air screening level is given in the next slide (Slide 6).

It is

based on a particle size of 0.1 wm presumably because it is intended to apply
to effluents from a facility.

As such, it does not really apply to the

resuspended component where particle sizes are typically on the order of a few

However, the difference between the EPA air value and that for

several micrometers fis only about a factor of two to three.

The EPA insists that the primary guidance of 1 mrad/yr to the lungs and
3 mrads/yr to the bone should take precedent.

However, there are problems

with this in terms of the data needed to predict the dose and the need to use
models to determine the dose.

The next slide (Slide 7) shows the distribution

of plutonium in the bone and liver as obtained from the autopsy data of both
public and workers.

The wide distribution fs apparent so that it will be


Select target paragraph3