AEC Task Group

EPA Draft

Site-specific Soil Criteria Recommendations Developed with Knowledge
of Rad Survey Data Base

General Criteria to be Applied to
Current Situations or Future Accidents
on Site-specific Basis

Conservative Application of Existing
Radiation Standards

Selection of 10° Risk, Derivation of

Associated Doses Expressed as Limits
not to interpret as Absolute Vaiues,
Limits Shown by EPA to be Reasonable
and Achievable.

Cieanup and Land Use Options

Dose Limits to be Applied on
Evaluated Against Dose and Soil TRU | Site-specific Basis, Explicit Guidance

Concentration Criteria

not Given in Order to Allow Flexibility,

Anticipates Need for Full Spectrum of

Cleanup Options in EIS and that Final
Decisions on Cleanup to be Madeat
Higher Level Such as OMB and

Recommendations Anticipate Decision
Point for Flexible Implementation of
Dose Limit Lies within Implementing
Agency, Application Relies on
Judgementof this Agency

No Equivalent

Screening Levels

No Examples Cited

Select target paragraph3