sravonno rome Wonk ) a | - AOdOOs | Office Memorand. y ¢ UNITED $12...88 GOVERNMENT TO : John Ce Bugher, Director, Division of Biology DATE: December 5, 1952 FROM <: Kenneth Kasschau, Director, Research and Medicine and Medicine, Washington Division, Oak Ridge (Ye i , ahr SUBJECT PROPOSALS FOR “KNOTHOLE",’ ORNL, BIOLOGY DIVISION. SYMBOL: ‘ORB:CSS Attention: lo Dr. Paul B. Pearson. ; S >. We have received the enclosed two proposals from the Biology Division, ORNL, suggested by Dr. Jacob Furth for consideration by the Test E 8 8 }83 Evaluation Committee. One is a request for survival mice that might Wi 2 é be held for study in hope that the data would supplement the Greenhouse gi8 2 up, using a pure strain of mice. to eS 3 Os35 records. 18 o gs 2 We believe that space is available to care for the survival mice oO of the second request for setting out additional animals at two suit- aXe |e. coum j2a G | requested, particularly since the mmbers held from Greenhouse will. be diminishing. The time element is probably a factor in feasibility able stations, but we believe it would be advantageous if this could | be accomplished. oO z The second proposal is that two additional stations be set ° We would appreciate the consideration of these proposals. zie 22 [6 | zitag’ Jed Ole x5 52S | THIS PAGE ONLY leeeae CISuSEeae¢| As stated above. xt oN Shoup: ec Oe 2GSS505 aya oe’ -s ‘ Le a isnt Z16 = EPS . | ce Ais! a yh t= < x = . | SWS eo rae - ik 4 : - f E -& ; i ‘