Whydo you have to take our blood? urine?

The doctors check your blood to find out if you have blood disease. They check

your urine to find out if you have other diseases. For example, Dr. Conard found
some people with diabetes (sugar sickness) which is not caused by radiation and he
wasable to give them medicine. Another reasonIs that the urine removesradiation
from vour bodyso the doctors want to find out if you still have radiation by looking
in your urine.

Whydo they take our blood for examination and then throw someof it away?
The doctors take your blood to studyit. Thev need to study your blood three or
four times so they want to make sure that they have enough blood. It is better to

take more blood than not enough because if they need more, they don’t havetostick
the needle into your arm again. You have plenty of blood so it won’t hurt you to
lose a little.

» Part savedfor more tests

Tested and thrown out

Blood test
Part of the blood ts tested and can be thrown away.
Another part is savedfor other tests at Brookhaven.
Why do you haveto drill into our bones?

Radiation can cause blood disease and your blood is madeinside of your bones.

The doctors drill your bonesto see if they are healthy.

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