TITLE =6Medical Studies of the People BUDGET AND REPORTING CODE of the Marshall Islands Accidentally Exposed to Fallout CONTRACTOR NAME 20. a. HA-02-01-01 CODE Associated Universities, Inc. DATE PREPARED WP NUMBER 03/31/81 TASK NO. REY. NO. BNL oO Detail Attachments. Facility Requirements. Although the Liktanur II does not fulfill all the requirements for the BNL medical team, the Marshall Island Airline will be able to transport personnel to Rongelap and Utirik commencing in FY'81 and, in part, fulfill the necessity of having a larger ship. Since there is adequate air transportation from Kwajalein to Majuro, the Liktanur II will not be required after a Medical Facility is built om Majuro next to the new hospital site. Recent discussions with Marshall Island Government officials indicate that the new hospital will not be constructed for at least three years. Since its laboratories and x-ray facilit-:s will be used, the services of Liktanur II wili be required to provide laboratc .es and x ray until the new hospital and the BNL Medical Facility are constructed. b. Publications. None in FY 1980. In the interest of economy, the 25th year Report will be combined with the 26th year Annual Report and published in FY 1981. Cc. Purpose. Post-exposure surveys in the Marshall Islands have been conducted for 26 years. In addition to the 244 persons originally exposed, a group of unexposed Marshallese are examined for a "comparison population’ to assess late effects of radiation from fallout. d. Background. . The continuing development of thyroid neoplasms, biochemical hypothyroidism, and the appearance of one case of acute leukemia indicate the need for frequent examinations. In addition to routine physical, hematological, and other laboratory examinations, the surveys involve special studies related to aging, malignancy, reproduction, and measurement of body burdens of radionuclides resulting from the slight contamination remaining on the islands. Patients with thyroid nodules are returned to the United Stares for hospitalization and surgical treatment as indicated. In view of the diverse medical problems and their management, a physician, a Marshallese nurse-practitioner, and a laboratory technician are in residence at Kwajalein and make intermittent trips to Rongelap, Majuro, and Utirik to Supervise care and perform interim examinations of the exposed Marshallese. @. Approach. R & D Methodology The work is conducted in conformance with generally accepted methodology for investigations of this character. L/A- o02—H 1015202 oes