DOE F 51202 (4-80) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY sng typ ee FIELD TASK PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT C 1 WORK PACKAGE NUMBER] 2. TASK NO./}3.REV NO.| 4 PROJECT NO.{5. DATE PREPARET | 0 BUDGET AND REPORTING CODE] 10 TASK TERM Begin. HA-02-01-01 13 Cont inuing 11 Enda: Open CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER [Name Last, First, Mi) (FETS No.) Cronkite, Eugene P. CONTRACTOR NAME 142. CODE feee rnstructrans/ Associated Universities, Inc. BNL 14. PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATORS (Name: Lasce Firsc, M1} (FTS 666-7538) Cronkite, Eugene P. WORK LOCATION (See inservcuons:. Name of faciity. Crey, State. 2p Coge 15 (000032) B. WORK PACKAGE TITLE of the Marshall Islands Accidentally..... ee EN en 9 GC. CONT RRSTOR NUMBER 03/31/81 7 TASK TITLE Medical Studies of the People 16 Is this tas« included in the 17. Does this tas« inciude any management Institutional Pitan? services storts? EYES CnNo Cyes ENO TASK DESCRIPTION (Approach, refanon to work package. 17 200 word: or less! 18 The primary objective is the determination of the life-time effects of fallout radiation on the Marshallese who were accidentally exposed to radioactive fallout on March 1, 1954. Medical surveys of these people have been conducted at quarterly intervals. In the future, surveys will be semiannual in view of the improving medical care by Marshall Island Health Service under the direction of the Seventh Day Adventists (SDA) and the impending impiementation of the Burton Bill. In the event that either or both fail to perform as expected, it will be necessary to revert to quarterly surveys. An unexposed Rongelap population is examined for comparison. The surveys, carried out jointly by Brookhaven National Laboratory under the auspices of the Department of Energy, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands, are of great importance in view of the development in this C population of growth impairment in some exposed children, thyroid lesions, case of acute leukemia. and one repositony DOE - FARK ESTVL couection NMRKEY BOX No. 19, (g oS G CREPOKTS ETE. ) CONTRACTOR TASK MANAGER Eugene P. Cronkite c . Le ZO ease VS reer 20. & a. ce 31/81 Orie) (Date (Signature! DETAIL ATTACHMENTS. (See snstructions/ & qG. Faclilty A¥quirements Background g. Future accomplisr ments * Poe. Aoproacn Ep. Publications Ble. WF FILE > 2.18 MUMSPALL ESE ISLAND S rowwen HL (31. Purpose Awe ee ere Technical progress * 1019200 Edin. Retationsnres to other projects B;. us AO7 at) Environments: assessment (J). Exolanateon of mitestones Dn. 288 Cera Ci. Otner (Specify): Capital Equipment Whoa