UNIQUE DOCUMENT Pa ey ACT NieATE cifOVED jee/Poy INCOMING TELA Cerone of Sta® | Ol G3 11 13 '< - ntrol: 652 Action FE FROM: Tokyo ss G ap To: Info De NO: Becta: September 2, 1954 7:02 a.m. 408175 Secretary of State 530, September 2, C SAR 2vee Reference RE Embassy's 7 p.m. SPARE OF NESEY ORATION REVIEW ek.wae sae NAME: 505. Rey DETERMINATION(CH (CIRCLEWurBEK(S) CLASSI?FICATIONCHANG© TO: EEesRey, : DOSRHOF9OYES7, OLI OCB l. condition unchanged. ABCC's Doctor Holmes reports crisis could come momentarily or not for several weeks. USIA CIA OSD 2. In event death, propose release immediately appropriate statement sorrow, sympathy. Assume Department will release statement for Secretary transmitted in rough draft MacTurkin ARMY NAVY to Berger letter May 7. 3. 2 To expedite local distribution, would appreciate confirma- tion text in advance and arrangements notify us immedtlately on its release. Suggest rewording final sentence draft to eliminate unqualified reference to compensation possibility by substitution "We remain ready to do everything we possibly can do to alleviate the suffering caused by these accidents and to promote the recovery of the unfortunate patients". ALLISON MAM: HER/5 Paney sCT MATES arJTEMQUER Reveaaa 33951 EOE, HEALTH & SEEN 23619 wrt REPRODUCTION FROM” Copy, IF CLASSIFIED PROHIBITED : tes pn neery ne geeeg mee