
is little reason to believe that its future development is possible.


clothing, however, not only provides protection against certain of the less
penetrating radiations, such as alpha particles, but also prevents, at least to
a degree, surface contamination of the skin with fission products which may
unavoidably be picked up in contaminated areas,

As a general rule, contaminated

clothing should be removed and disposed of as soon as possible after leaving

contaminated arees,

Disvosable hats and gloves are desirable for use by those

persons whose civil defense duties require their entry into radiologically
hazardous areas in which they are likely to pick up contamination,
While 1% may >rove desirable to provide certain civil defense personnel
who are required to work in radiologically hazardous areas with face masks of a
type effective in preventing inhalation of radioactive materials, their widespread
use by members of the civil population is currently deemed to be neither necessary
nor desirable,
Linitations of Decontamination Procedures,

Decontamination procedurés as

they pertain to extensive land areas, buildings, ships or large items of special
equipment have proved to be impractical,

On the other hand, human decontamination,

confined to the removal of conteuminated clothing plus thorough washings and rewashings of the face, hands and body with soap and water, often is both practical
and effective,

This should be routine procedure for personnel required to wrk

in contaminated areas,
Detection of Ionizing Radiations Requires Special Zquipment in Hands of
frained Personnel,

It is impossible to see, hear, feel or smell ionizing

Their presence can be detected only by means of special equipment,

such as ionization chambers and Gelger counters, operated by technically trained



Select target paragraph3