
components of local radiological defense organizations represent the
backbone of the entire radiological defense crogram,

In mony instances,

they mey »rove to be not only the means of prevention of countless human
injuries caused by over-exposure to ionizing radiations, but also the key to
sefe, orderly and effective oper:.tion of all civil defense activities vithia
a stricken area,
Practically all organized measures of radiological defense are carried
out by local organizations,
service oper.tions,

They take the form of area survey and technical

Hach is discussed below,

area Survey Operations.

Each local radiological defense organization should

number among its components 50 or more Radiological Defense Area Survey Units,
These are groups of from four to ten individuals fully trained and specially

equipped for detection and measurement of ionizing radiations,

Under technical

direction of the Radiological Defense Operations Officer (area Survey Units),
they would condict surveys of assigned areas for the purpose of detecting and
delimiting radiological hazards,
Zxcept as otherwise prescribed and with such variations as uay be
necescituted sy operational exigencies (radiations of extreme intensity,
physiccl destruction, irregularities of terrain and similar obstacles), ares
surveys would be made on a uniform line transect basis, following parallel

lines from 150 to 200 yards apart,

In"built up" sections, streets would be

follcwed, surveying each one, or every other one, depending upon the size
of the blocks,

In the vicinity of the so-called "incident area", or "area of total
destruction", the lines of survey would take the form of converging radii
directed tovard the center of destruction.

These narticular operations are

aimed primarily at determining the rerineter of the radiological hazard


ros ARG

Select target paragraph3