

Have concern that Janet may not be returned. Support
the Task Group's approach to development of recommendations. Are hopeful of actions leading to return of people
to Janet. Question when Janet can be returned if not now.
Hold position that people will eventually return to Janet.


See need for more air sampling and investigation of exosure from inhaled Pu. Cited need for information on

291 exposure of the thyroid.

Found the Task Grou

draft a very satisfactory report.





Supports use of current radiation standards and philosophy
recommended by FRC and ICRP. Cannot support DNA
approach to criteria development using c.ecanup experience
such as current effort for removai of mill tailings under
and near structures in Grand Junction. Cannot support
recommendation of cleanup alternatives wherein basic
Federal radiation exposure standards would not be met.
Supports position that both internal and external exposures
must be evaluated in considering cleanup alternatives.
Cannot support concept of fall-back positions to be used
if necessary funds for cleanup to acceptable criteria are
not available. Hold to position that recommended actions
are only those knownto be feasible and ezfective. Cannot
support DNA recommendation of use of ''clean beds" of

soil for growing food on a contaminated island since this
action involves many uncertainties and is unproven as to
‘ effectiveness. View of remedial (cleanup) action is that
once itis taken, the objective is to make substantial re-

duction in radioactivity levels, not to-reduce levels to
some specified value. Support approach of studying all
alternatives for cleanup, but to recommend only a pre-

ferred set of actions that in the judgement of the Task
Group will comply with the "as low as practicable" requirement. Believe that DNA has misint2rpreted and is
misusing AEC cleanup experience in citing this as a basis
for choosing radiation exposure criteria. Observes that
DNA uses a ''worst case'' approach to cleanup based upon
AEC exposure estimates that are actually average cxposures. Believe that DNA recommendavions cannot be
successfully defended against criticism from those who
are familiar with current Federal regulavions and standards


Select target paragraph3