SACRZOOl KY COUTTS SSOLASSEPTED 411968 BS He 8B EIEN = ALArhees ee EE R ORES AEG483/4 SECURITYTNFORMATTON copy no. 1 December 6, 1951 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION TENTATIVE WEAPONS TESTING SCHEDULE FOR 1952 Note by the Acting Secretary The attached report by the Director of Military Application is circulated for the information of the Commission at the request of the General Manager, REPOSITORY}NE J. COLLECTION BOX No. Gx. CN A et cet PARLEY Secretary rouse W714Voll | % | e _DEPARTME) OFENERGY OEGLASSIFICATIONRATIONREVIEW EViEUHeEn 1ST REVIEW.DATE:ie EL)(Jafet oLAANciREENU TERMINATION ume NUMMERFSEe pote DISTRIBUTION COPY NO, Secretary Commissioners 1 2 - 6 Intelligence Military Application 8 9~11 General Manager Security 7 - 3 TOM CHaNare a. fre 3.CONTAINSNODotPabi eb end . When separated from enclosures handle this document as....... —OFPFICTAL-USE-ONDY . 12 ) RESTRICTEDBATL- This document contains restricted data as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, Its transmittal or the disclosure . of its contents in any manner to an un- DECLASSIFIED authorized person is prohibited. BG, 12089, Bec. 2.8. AMIE GE Thine & Bobabi—AES J’ ee ; oo.| ‘ r aA OSH 20C00©155 pa F AYODD I {os