Chapter 3—Containing Underground Nuclear Explosions « 39

Figure 3-3—-Minimum Shot Separation for Tunnel Tests
Rainier Mesa
Tunnel tests are typically

overburied. Collapse chimneys

do not usually extend to surface.

Diagram to approximate scale
Scale illustration of the minimum separation distance (2 combined cavity radii plus 100 feet) for
horizontal tunnel tests. Tunnel tests are typically overburied. Collapse chimneys do not usually extend
to the surface.
SOURCE: Office of Technology Assessment, 1989

Evaluation Charter, remains specifically defined as


{. evaluate, as an independent organization reporting to the Manager of Nevada Operations,

the containment design of each proposed
nuclear test;

4. maintain a historical record of each evaluation

and of the data, proceedings, and discussions

pertaining thereto.

Although the CEP is charged with rendering a

judgment as to the adequacy of the design of the

2. assure that all relevant data available for
proper evaluation are considered;

containment, the panel does not vote. Each member
provides his independent judgmentas to the prospect of containment, usually addressing his own area
of expertise but free to commenton any aspectof the

3. advise the manager of Nevada Operations of

these statements in a recommendation to the man-


the technical adequacy of such design from the

viewpoint of containment, thus providing the

manager a basis on which to request detonation authority; and
‘7Containment Evaluation Charter. June 1. 1986, Section IIL.

test. The Chairman is in charge of summarizing

ager on whetherto proceed with the test, based only
on the containment aspects. Containment Evalua-

tion Panel guidelines instruct membersto maketheir
judgments in such a way that:

Select target paragraph3