22 © The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions

Photo credit: David Graham, 1988

Tunnel Entrance

radioactive material being detected off thetestsite.
In the case oflate-time release, however,the test will
be announced only if radioactive material is detected off-site.
Starting with Trinity, names have been assigned
to all nuclear tests. The actual nuclear weapon or
device and its description are classified. Consequently, test planners assign innocuous code words
or nicknamesso that they mayrefer to plannedtests.
Early tests used the military phonetic alphabet
(Able, Baker, Charlie, etc.). As more tests took

place, other names were needed. They include
namesofrivers, mountains, famousscientists, small
mammals, counties and towns,fish, birds, vehicles,
cocktails, automobiles, trees, cheeses, wines, fabrics, tools, nautical terms, colors, and so forth.

The testing of nuclear weapons occurs under the
authority of the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 (as
amended in 1954), which states:
‘The development, use, and control of Atomic
Energy shall be directed so as to make the maximum
contribution to the general welfare, subject at all
times to the paramount objective of making the
maximum contribution to the common defense and
The act authorizes the U.S. Atomic Energy

Commission (now Departmentof Energy), to **con-

Select target paragraph3