OTA gratefully acknowledges the valuable contributions made by the following:

Lynn R. Anspaugh

David Graham
Moore College of Art

Frederick N. App

Jack W. House
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Nick Aquilina
U.S. Departmentof Energy
Charles Archambeau
CIRES, University of Colorado, Boulder

Billy C. Hudson
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Stuart C. Black

Gerald W. Johnson

Carter Broyles
Sandia National Laboratory
Norman R. Burkhard
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
John H. Campbell
U.S. Departmentof Energy

Joseph W. LaComb
Defense Nuclear Agency
James K. Magruder
U.S. Department of Energy
Michael A. Marelli
U.S. Department of Energy

Jim Carothers
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

LTC Samuel D. McKinney
Defense Nuclear Agency

Melvin W. Carter
International Radiation Protection Consultant

David N. McNelis
University of Las Vegas, Nevada

Bruce Church
U.S. Department of Energy
Neville G. Cook
University of California, Berkeley
Charles F. Costa
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Jeff Duncan
Office of Congressman Edward J. Markey
Donald R. Elle
U.S. Departmentof Energy

Paul Orkild
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Edward W.Peterson
Dorothy F. Pope
Defense Nuclear Agency
Darryl Randerson
WeatherService, Nuclear Office

Gerald L. Epstein
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

R.L. Rhodes
Diebold, Inc.

Jack Evernden
U.S. Geological Survey
Anthony Fainberg
Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress
Pete Fitzsimmons
U.S. Departmentof Energy
Janet Fogg
U.S. Departmentof Energy

Patrick Rowe
Robert Shirkey

Bernd Franke

Dean R. Townsend
Fenix & Scission, Inc.

Robert A. Fulkerson

Chris L. West

Larry Gabriel
Defense Nuclear Agency

Barbara Yoers
U.S. Department of Energy

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Citizen Alert

Evan Jenkins
U.S. Geological Survey
University of California

Karen Randolph
U.S. Department of Energy

Defense Nuclear Agency

John O. Stewart
U.S. Department of Energy
Robert Titus
Weather Service, Nuclear Office

U.S. Departmentof Energy

NOTE: OTA appreciates and is grateful for the valuable assistance and thoughtful critiques provided by the contributors. The

contributors do not, however, necessarily approve, disapprove, or endorse this report. OTA assumesfull responsibility for the
report and the accuracy ofits contents.


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