
Henry Ford Hospital — Dr. F, W, Hartman - "Chemical

Sterilization of Blood and Plasma with Nitrogen iustards™ -

$12,900 ~ l yr. duration.

University of lGnnesota - Dr, 5, W, Hunter ~- Investiga-

tions on the Use of Zirconium as a Radioopaque Media" -

$6,050 - 1 yr. duration.

Battelle Memorial Institute — Dr. K. §, Chester - "Use
of Radioactive Indicators in the Study of the Mode of

Action of Fungicides" - $23,500 - 4/1/49 to 4/1/50.

University of Illinois - Drs. B. ¢, Johnson and H. E.
Carter - "The iletabolism of Vitamins and Their Inter-

relationshins with Amino Acids" - $4,800 - 6/1/49 to


University of Minnesota — Dr. 2, C. Stakman - "The
=ffects of Radioactive Substances on Plant Pathogens

and Other iMicroorganisms'! - $39,900 - 7/1/49 to 6/30/50.


University of Chicago —- Dr, Roy B. Zirkle — "Puschase of
Slectrostatic Generator for Use on ‘ificrobenam! Bffects

Study Jcing Conducted Through OUR" ~ $103,500.

To New York Office:


University of Rochester — Dr. Hermen Pearse ~ "Research
on Thermal Effects of the Atomic Bomb" ~ $87,250 - 1 yr.


Harvard University - Drs, R, F. Sognnacs & J, H. Shaw "Further Studies on the ictabolism of the Tecth with

Special Regard to Radicisotope Studies on the Enamel" 912,250 (Trsfd, fm OWR} - 1 yr. duration.


Massachusetts General Hospital - Dr. J. H. Means -

"Research on Radiation Effects on Thyroid Function" -

$23,000 - 1 yr. duration.

University of Rochester - Dr. W. F. Bale ~ $17,600 "Biological Effects of External Radiation (X-rays and
Gamma Rays) - l yr. duration.


Wassachusetts Institute of Technology —- Dr, A. A. Thomas -

"ufficiency of Present Water Treatment iIcthods in Removing

ee Substances from Water" - $50,000 ~ 4/1/49 to


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