University of Chicago for administering the Chicago
Toxicity Loboratory.
The Committee unanimously affirmed the Director's
recommendation that in order to have the full cooperntion
of the Chemical Corns and of maintaining close liaison
with the Armed Services, that the present contract should
be renewed between the University of Chicago and the
Chemical Corps.
Dr. licLean further suggested the establishment of an
atomic onorgy unit to study the military implications of

the biological and medical aspects of RY in the Chemical
Varfare Service liedicnl Division at Edgewood.
The Committee endorsed Dr, Warren's recomnendation
that it would not be feasible to take the initiative in
such a progran,

SubCommittec on Human Allocation.
on numan


Dr. Warren advised the

Committee that Br, Harold Copp of the University of
California at the instance of Dr. Joseph Hamilton has
Decn asked to serve as a member of the Subcommittee for
Haman Allocation,

of ACzaii

lienbership of Advisory Committee for Biology and Medicine,
Dr. Hastings pronosed that the membership of the Advisory
Committee for Biology and Medicine should be a rotating
-~ 15-


Select target paragraph3