It was moved by Dr. YWsearn, seconded by Dr. Stakman and
unanimously approved that this recommendation be forwarded
to the General Uanager.
Ad Hoc Committee - Future Tests.
Ad Eoe

Dr. George V. LeRoy

presented a summary of the meeting held on June 7, 8, and
9, 1949 of the Ad Hoc Committee for planning future biological tests.


This Committee consisted of the following

Dr, Georse VY. LeRoy, Chairman, Dr. Raymond 3.

Zirkle, Dr. Jacob Furth, Dr. Wallace D. Armstrong, Colonel

James P. Cooney, Captain 2, 3. Draeger, Dr. D. B. D4li,
Dr. Sam L. Clark, Dr. Arnold H. Sparrow and Dr. Leon
Dr. LeRoy stated that forty proposals for test
projects were considered and twenty-one of the proposals

These were arranged into a ten-point test

program as follows:

<Aninal breeding colony to provide enough animals

of three "calibrated" species for testing.

Studyof acute radiation injury to fill in the

gaps of pathologic studies in Japan and Bikini, with

particular attention to patholosgical-physiological disturbance during the first week,


Study of thermal injury to supplement earlier

studies and to provide abasis for treatment of 4&3 thermal

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