2. Correspondence with Joint Committee concerning Weapon Storage
Mr, Strauss reported that on April 14, 1948, he had called on Senator
Hickenlooper to present the Commission's reply to a request from the

Joint Committee for certain detailed information about storage of wea-

pon components (AEC 68), At the Senator's request, he had summarized

the desired information orally; no one else was present at the time.

3. Correspondence Concerning Dr. Walter F. Colby
Mr. Strauss reported that he had received a letter from Dr. Walter
F, Colby stating that the president of the University of Michigan had
given Dr. Colby an informal release to accept an appointment from the
Commission. Mr. Strauss stated that he was preparing a letter to the

president of the University, for the Chairman's signature, formally re~questing Dr. Colby's release.

4, Public Announcement Concerning Operation SANDSTONE
The Chairman reported that late yesterday afternoon he had been
notified that the understanding on a public statement concerning Operation SANDSTONE, reached yesterday in discussion between the Commission and the Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee, was not
acceptable to the Military Establishment. The position of the Military
Establishment appeared to be that only a release by the Task Force
Commander upon completion of the test program would be advisable.
After discussion, the Commission:

NOTED that the Chairman would endeavor to present to the
Secretary of Defense the Commission’s opinion that withholding
a release for more than a few days was unwise.

T. O. Jones

Acting Secretary
Approved by the Commission: May 4, 1948





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