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Joint Task Group -— Enewetak Atoll

6015 Support Squadron Provisional/SG

APU SanFrancisco 96333

USAF Clinic Enewetak/SG


29 SEP Wit

Medical Inspection of Enewetak Salt Water Swimming Pool

CQO, Joint Task Group - Enewetak

A medical sanitation inspection of the Enewetak salt water swimming pool was
conducted 22 Sept 77 by Donald L. Aistrone, Jr, SSgt, USAF. The following
observations and recommendations were made:
1. There was algae growth on the bottom of the pool and pieces of algae were
floating in the water at time of inspection.
(Continual repeat discrepancy)
The algae caused the water to appear turbid. Turbidity is dangerous because
struggling swimmers below the water surface may not be seen. Turbidity, by
obscuring vision, can also cause accidents through collisions with the pool
bottom or sides. Bacteria can flourish where algae exists. Recommend the pool
be emptied and the algae removed. The algae should be removed as often as
necessary and this procedure repeated as needed.

The fire hose used to create greater water circulation was disconnected from

the salt water inlet pipe opening.

Recommend it be connected.

3. Ring buoys with rove attached and reach poles were not available at the pool.
Recommend one or more throwing ring buoys attached to a 3/8 inch nylon rope and a

reach pole (s) always be readily accessible at the pool side.

4. A teleohone and first aid kit were not available at the pool, Recommend a
telephone with a list of emergency telephone numbers and a first aid kit be
available in the pool area.
Cineluding algae)
5. Material that settles to the pool bottom“was not removed daily. Recommend
a vool suction cleaner with fork attachment be utilized daily.

6, There was no ladder present on the south shallow end of the pool.
a ladder be built.

4A lifeguard was not present during swimming hours.


Recommend a full time

lifeguard be on duty during swimming hours to enforce pool regulations and keep

the pool clean. Also recommend an elevated chair or platform be vorovided for
the lifeguards use.

8. No overflow or scum gutter was available. Recommend one or the other be
installed to extend completely around the pool and be of a design to orovide

continuous removal of water.

flow gutters.

Surface skimmers may be provided rather than over-

There should be one for each 600 square feet of surface area.

The pool must be overflowed daily to remove floating scum and debris.

9. There was no fence around the pool area. Recommend a fence avproximately
five feet in height with a door that locks be built around the entire pool area.
10. Ideally the pool should be supplied with fresh water capable of being
chlorinated and recirculated through a filter which removes, filters, disinfects
and pumps the water back into the pool.

Select target paragraph3