dose is reduced almost by 1/3.

Possible conservatisms in ingestion parameters

(e.g., concentration ratios) diet estimates may lower the bone dose stil]
further; on the other hand, raising the GI absorption factor will increase

The unknowns and uncertainties in the terrestrial and marine ingestion

pathways almost preclude any realistic estimates via this exposure route.
More recent data appear to show 25 fold less Pu in fish from Northern

This alone could balance the factor of 33 between the suggested


Reported effect of clorination on GTC needs to be verified.

Note that reference is not published.
Use Pu values for fruit rather than leaves if the latter are not eaten.
not introduce conservative factors for each parameter.
Doubt if Pu VI would remain as such in human GI tract.

Probably would

become PU IV.
Perhaps water catchment systems could be replaced on lagoon side of
houses since suspected Pu contamination may be from ocean side.
What fraction of population expected to live 70 years?
Data on air concentrations of Pu?
Disturbing that importance of coconut in food chain still not resolved
since is major contributor to dose.



Select target paragraph3