Much medical data unrelated to radiation
exposure is acquired during each medical mission. Some of this information. from exposed
and unexposed individuals. is relevant to heaith
care throughout the Marshall Islands. Consequently, public health reports. baséd on medical
team observations unrelated to radiation. have
been submitted periodically to the Health Services of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The
topics during this reporting period have included
the following:
1) Serum lipids in Marshallese
2) Pediatric growth and development (an
analysis prompted by observations of medical team physicians that Rongelap children, following their transfer to Mejato.
were not maintaining their positions on
charted growth curves)
3) Pediatric audiometry
4) Dental conditions on Rongelap and
5) Chlamydia infections in Marshallese
6) Large optic disks (a relatively frequent
finding by medical team ophthalmologists)
Some significant observations in these and
earlier public health reports were published in
medical journals. Moderately elevated serum
uric acid levels were noted in many Marshallese
and the frequency of this finding and that of
gout were analyzed (Adamsetal.. 1984). Toxoplasmosis was identified as a serious health
hazard in the Marshall Islands. with an estimated 200 personsbeing visually impaired and
an incidence of chorioretinitis of 273 cases/
year/ 100,000 seropositive persons (Adams et
al., 1987). Hepatitis B, the subject of a serological
survey described in a previous Brookhaven
National Laboratory report (Adams et al.,
1985), constituted anotherserious public health
problem (Adamset al, 1986). The prevalence of
anemia in children was described, and normal
ranges for hemoglobin level and erythrocyte
mean corpuscular volume for Marshallese
children were derived (Dungy et al.. 1987). The
latter were found to be identical to those of
children in the United States. Because of the
devastating effects of diabetes mellitus among
the Marshallese, an effort was made to determine if a dietary deficiency of chromium, atrace
element that is relevant to glucose tolerance.
contributed to the problem. The analytic proce-


dure used was too insensitive to quantitate
blood levels of chromium, but during the analvsis it was found that bromine levels were higher
than those reported for any other population
(Wielopoiski et al.. 1986). The reason forthis is
unknown: further, the levels of bromine that
were detected fall far short of its known toxic
levels. The observation by team ophthaimolo-

gists of large optic disks in many persons

prompted another report to the Marshallese
Health Services because the associated increase
in disk cupping could be misconstrued by physicians as representing glaucoma. The high prevalence of the condition indicates Marshallese
are unique among all populations in whom such
measurementshave been obtained (Maisel etal.,
The exposed population, which now numbers
163, must be considered at increased risk for
malignant disease as a late complication of
radiation injury. Therefore. the medical program has in place a cancer-oriented annual
health evaluation. The examination follows the
‘guidelines of the American CancerSociety and
includes a medical history, complete physical
examination, advice on decreasing risk factors
for cancer, advice on self-detection of lesions,
annual pelvic examinations and Papanicolaou
smears, stool testing for blood, blood count, and
urinalysis. Several new diagnostic procedures
were incorporated into the medical missions in
the past three years. Because of the development of x-ray films and cassettes that significantly decrease radiation exposure, annualmammographyis offered to all exposed women
and to all unexposed womenforty years of age
or older. For personsoverthe age offifty years,
flexible sigmoidoscopy is offered every three
years or wheneverclinically indicated. An ultrasound machine has been acquired that greatly
increases the diagnostic capabilities of the medical team, especially in managing acute problems seen at the time of team visits. For thyroid
diagnosis, needle biopsy of selected thyroid
nodules has beeninstituted in an effort to avoid
surgery and the subsequent loss of normal thyroid tissue in patients with benign nodular
lesions. Because of earlier medical program |
observations it is known that the exposed are at
greater risk for certain endocrine problems and
for this reason they receive annual thyroid-

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