Individual Marshallese laboratory data collected during the 1985. 1986. and 1987 medical survevs. ( Identification
numbers | to 56 belong to exposed persons of Rongelap and Ailingnae: numbers beginning at 2102 belong to the
Utink exposed: numbers trom 305 through 1578 belong to the Comparison group).
PID = Brookhaven National Laboratory identification number
SEX = 1 - Male: 2- Female
AGE = vears
WBC = leukocyte count/yl
PMN = neutrophil count, ul
BAND = band forms: ul
LYMPH = lymphocytes, pl
MONO = monocytes’ ul
EOS = eosinophils: ul
BASO = basophils/ ul

PLT = platelet count x 10° ul
HCT = percent

RBC = erythrocytes x 10° ‘ul
MCV = mean corpuscular volume in fl
HGB = hemoglobin level in g. dl
TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone level in xU }
PRL = serum prolactin in ng/ml
T4 = thyroxine in yug/dl
TPR = total protein in g dl
ALB = albumin in g/dl
GLOB = giobulin in g/dl
A/G = albumin/globulin ratio
CAL = calcium in mg/dl
FBS = fasting blood sugar in mg. dl_
HBAIC = glycosylated hemoglobin AIC in percent


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