Subject No. 2125. This pauiem died in 1987
from carcinoma of the jung with brain metastases at age 70. He had been referred to a Honolulu hospital for evaluation of guaiac- positive
stools in October 1986. A chest x-ray was negative at the time of referral. No sersous problems were detected during his Honolulu examination.
but respiratory symptoms fromthe tumor developed in January 1987. He had been a cigarette
smoker, and was felt to have severe chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease with recurrent
Subject No. 2128. This 39-vear-old woman
had diabetes mellitus complicated by chronic
renal failure. severe diabetic retinopathy and
neuropathy, and anemia (hemoglobin 9.4 g/dl in
October, 1984). She died in a Honoiulu hospital
after emergency air evacuation from Utirik.
Diagnoses madeat the hospitai mciuded hvpoglycemic and hypoxemic brain damage. diabetes
mellitus treated with insulin. anemia secondary
to renal failure, and sepsis.
Subject No. 2164. “Postpartum hemorrhage”
and “uterine inertia” were listed on the death
certificate of this 42-year-old woman in February 1985. Previous problems included obesity
and possible gout. A blood count in March 1984
was normal.
Subject No. 2189. This 59-vear-old woman
died in 1987 from chronic renalfailure due to
diabetes mellitus. Her serum creatinine in
March 1986 was 10.9 mg/dl andthe hemoglobin
level was 7.7 g/dl.
Subject No. 2200. “Inanition™ and “senility”

were the death certificate diagnoses for this 72year-old woman whodied in December 1985. A
thyroid nodule had been noted at least since
1977 but the patient “appeared to be a poor

surgical risk.” Her hemoglobin level was 11.6 g/dl

and the white blood cell count was 6.200 per ul.
A left breast mass had been noted since 1966.
but the patient had declined biopsy and surgery.
She said the mass had been present since youth.
Subject No. 2212. This 66-vear-old woman
died in 1987 from chronic renal failure due to
diabetes mellitus. She was evaluated at Kwaja- lein hospital in 1985 and noted to have renal
failure, hypertension. and anemia. When evaluated by physicians of the 4-Atoll Healthcare


Program she was notfelt to be a candidatefor

dialvsis. and her family agreed to supportive
Subject No. 2218. The death certificate diagnosis on this 34-year-old woman in September
1985 was “congestive heart failure.” When examined in March 1985. the only significant
abnormality had been a urinary tract infection
for which she was given an antibiotic. although
asthma had been noted in the past. The patient
was late in pregnancyat the time of her demise
and was, on the basis of history obtained from
the 4-Atoll program physicians, probably eclamptic.

Subject No. 2249. This womandied at age 57

in February 1986 from complications directly .
arising from local extension of a “malignant
meningioma.A description of this patient and
the tumor was presented in a previous BNL

report (Adamsetal.. 1983) following the origi-

nal diagnosis in 1982.

Comparison group
Subject No. 814. The death certificate diagnosis in June 1986 for this 33-year-old man was
pneumococcal meningitis confirmed by culture.
He worked on Kwajalein and died in Kwajalein
hospital after being transferred from Ebeye
hospital. His most recent BNL medical examination had been in April 1983. when problems of
smoking and heavy alcohol consumption were
noted. His blood count was normal at that time.
Subject No. 821. This 38-vear-old womandied
in 1986 from complication of childbirth, her
death certificate diagnosis being “postpartum
hemorrhage.” When seen in April 1986 she was
22 weeks into her thirteenth pregnancy. Nosignificant abnormalitites were noted at that time.
Subject No. 842. The death certificate diagnosis on this 61-year-old man in March 1986 was
“liver failure due to hepatoma.” The only active
problem notedin his last BNL medical examination in March 1985 was chronic low back pain. A
routine Sigmoidoscopic examination was normali except for the presence of hemorrhoids.
Hepatitis B surface antigen was not detectedin
his serum, but antibody to the surface antigen
was present.
Subject No. 846. This 63-year-old woman
underwent a bone marrow aspiration in March

Select target paragraph3