

August 6, 1968

part of August. I told Frank and Mr. Ownby that if they had any
difficulty in getting the patients on MAC aircraft that the AEC was
agreeable to schedule them on Air Micronesia. In all, I had about
40 minutes tine on Kwajalein.
During may flight from Guam to Yap, I met Dr. Peck, Chief of the
Medical Department at Saipan. He and I discussed the AEC aedical
surveys in the Marshall Islands and he stated that he appreciated the
cooperation of the AEC with respect to the annual medical survey.

Dr. Peck indicated that without this support, the TT Medical Depart~ment would be hard pressed to handle the medical surveys.
On my retura to Honolulu on the Air Micronesia plane, I also had
occasion to meet Mr. Les Arentzsen, Finance Director for the Trust
Territory st Saipan who was on his way to the mainland on home
leave. Mr. Arentzsen and I discussed the financial arrangements
between the TT and AEC in connection with the medical surveys and he
stated that the relationships were going along very well and he knew
of no problems or items that had to be resolved.
Also om the return journey to Honolulu, I wes again able to stop at
Kwajalein for 30 ainutes and met wien Tee Granich who advised that
the trip for the Marshallese patients, scheduled and that they would
depert Kwajalein August 2 on either MAC or Air Micronesia. Frank had
contacted HAO and they were sending him revised MAC orders. He also
mentioned that TT personnel had expressed some concern about shipping
the 25KW generator to Utirlk since the larger generator may consuse
more fuel than their fuel supply allowed in an isolated location like

I told Frank that 1 would get some fuel consumption informa-

tion on the generators for him. Im this connection, I advised Frank
that the TT had purchased a 25KW generator for Utirik and that our


generator was to be used as backup for the TT generator,

so maybe

the fuel consumption problem had been resolved. Frank stated he would
be in contact with us on the medical patients and also the generators.

The above information was passed on to Dwight Heine at the airport
during the short stop-cover at Majuro on the way beck to Honolulu.


William K. Streenan
Contract & Procurement Specialist

Dr. R. A. Conard, Brookhaven Nat. Lab.,
Upton, Long Island, New York


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