Results From page 1 In Majuro there are 2,368 absentee or first day registration voters. Ebeye has 555 absentee and first day voters. KMR has 403 absentee voters. Plus the Postal registraUian makes the count raughly 3,500. MOY LAN’S GUAM WHOLESALE & INDENT DEPARTMENT Write for catalog and prices on: Pepa in kamel etan armij rar jako ilo ballot box eo. Mejit (118 yes, 4 no) Mejit........ 11 7 Utirik (101 yes, “40 ‘no) Utirik 101... .40 Ailuk (119 yes, 31 ne) « PEPTO BISMOL «NP 27 - UNGUENTINE - BENGAY « VISINE eye drops » PHILIPS hearing aid « PUREX BLEACH + BRILLO SOAP PADS Faas MOYLAN Polling place Yes No Majuro (1048 yes, 270ne) 94... .30 Jetrok ....... 111 16 Lobal....... 48 18 Lamar....... $2....23 Woja... .... 38.....8 RongRong.... 8.....9 Ajeltaken..... 66....13 Jenrok... 0... 25... .37 Rita......... 187... .70 Aenkan...... 5.0... i Uliga........ $2....19 Delap........ 362... .26 Rairok (contested and unresolved) Registration affidavit not enclosed in the ballot box. * “Wi ENTERPRISES CO., INC. “P.O. Box DF Agana, Guam $6910. “Hack of Agana Post Office Aen-ion...... Jitak ........ Jitto .. 2.2... Aen-rok...... 25....19 39.0... 6 32..... 4 23...... 2 Likiep (105 yes, 33 no) Rakto ....... 26 g Jebal/Melan... 28....17 Plantation.... 51.....& Kaven ....... 55....47 Airgk........ 40... .21 Arno (296 yes, 112 no) Ajeltokrok.... 59....47 Rearlaplap.... 84... .44 Jabonwor .,.. 49..... 9 Kebjeltak..... 104.....12 Jaluit (121 yes, 273nw) Jitoken...... Imie).... 2... Mejjae....... Mejrirok ..... 4 3.2.31 Tol... 4 16... .33 Pinglep ...... Mejatto...... Imtoj........ 2....20 5....14 5... .30 er 30....47 Jabor......(.. 43.,..54 Kwajalein (168 ves, $27 7 no} Santo........ Ebadon/Arbwe Carlos ....... 0. 33 .24 Ebeye....... 160. 438 Enebuoj (contested. and Likial (contested and unresolved} Regular voters enclosed their ballots in envelopes for absentce voten. ber of people who voted. Dri vote ro rar drori ballot ko aer ilo nien absentee vote ko. unresolved} Ballots cast did not equal on the first count the num- Jonon ballot eo eokta jen jonon army eu eal vate, ™ Enewetak (t100 yes, 33 no) Enewetah . . O& Volume 14, Number 73 Medren oo... 24.0... 5 Jeblan. 22.2.0 BLL. Ujelang (waiting tur ballot box to arrive) Mih (56 yes, 153 no) Miho... 2... 28... .60 Nallu... 20.0. 4. 2.27 Takewa J2.,..23 Enejet....... 6....25 Lukonwor.... 6....18 Kili (39 yes, 210 no} Oo) | on t2...19] Ejit......... 27....19 Namonk (155 yes, 52 ‘no) Namorik ..... 155... .52 Ailinglapiap (250 yes, 130 no} Enebin....... 32....53 Airok........ 80... .17 Woja........ $0 ....32 Aenkan...... 27 ..... 3 Boran-Ailin... 617... .23 Jabat (77 yes, 2 no) Jabat........ We... Ebon (39 yes, 361 no) Ebon.....,.. 88 Toka........ 1. 73 Lib (21 yes, 14 no) Lib......... 71..,.14 Namu (136 yes, 0 no) Majkin....... 64..... Mae.......-. 38..... 0 Loen........ 34..... 0 Narmu (contested and unresolved) Page 3 Ballots were cut into two, separating the twu Paris. rf Batlot Ko rar mwijiti lukier im keynvluk mottern ko ruo. Cont, py 5/Lale pg. 5 MOYLAN’S GUAM WHOLESALE & INDENT DEPARTMENT 7 s£F Write for catalog and prices on: «SMITH CORONA typewriters copy machines « SFYLEX COMBS « SCOLDING LOCKS - BOB PINS « HAIR NETS » SHERIDAN AIR GUNS 7 t «MIDOL + OIAPARENE POWDER MOYLAN :#-W: E FE ENTERPRISES CO., INC. P.O. Box OF Agana, Guam 96510 Back of Agana Post Office Candise Car Rental Phone3) 3525 | roy nmory rem P.1I. SPECIALS 13” TOSHIBA Pa B20 eneIC EUSLUCEaie oy eas aeUiasp Fd atk hae * Voting MARSHALL ISLANDS JOURNAL Wotje (96yes, 139 no) Worne).. . 10 52 Woltje... 20... 36...87 Aur (113 yes, 40 0) Aur... oe, Ol. 2.21 Tobadl. ... §2..,.19 Maloelap (121 yess 93 no) Wollet....... VW. Jang........, slag Tarawa ...... 12... .20 fF Color TV.. vee eee $320.00 12 volt CAR BATTERY with acid [245Q] . 12 volt LARGE TRUCK BATTERY Se “ “4 Juesday, September 13, 1983 Jen page 1 wa y