and bon | mad el ri ra bs * BEST COPY AVAILABLE wa A212 Wadd Chymree/of ACo mmtiA, on MarshallereLsLoy hal, ney on fs 4 Jetnii said he doesn’t know why the heavy transfers to MIHS. ‘lt may be that they can't pay for tur tians at other schools ur for some other reasons,” he said. Whereas there were 30 Students per clasroom in Previous years, this term Continued page 4 MAJURO, 13 Sept. — Elun jen jonan transfer students ak dit jikul hel jen jikul Ko jet rekomman an obrak MIRS ilo term in Jikul in, ekhkat non AIS Principal Tony Jetnil. Ejjab men in wot ak etal im jabwe room in jikul iben an jabwe dri kake, Jetnifearba Volume 14, Number 73 Tomeing said the Coali- tion leaders including Kwajalein leaders who are now on Majura, will meet today plans. to talk on their He said he can't make any comment until after their meeting. But he said most likely they will discuss what oplions is there if the Compact wins. SEP26 1983 ~ et LIBRARY =~ Bee 2 a MAJURO, 13 Sept. — Dri tel ro an Coalition Party eo rainin renal Kwelok im konono hin plei ho ater ikien Compact-in Free Association eo, ekkar non Wotje Senator Litokwa Tomeing. NASHINGTOM, D.C. Tomeing ear kwalok ke emwij an muttok dri tel ro an Kwajalein non Majuro non aer jijet then dran im kenono kin ta ko renaj kommoni kin Compact eo elane ewin. ljoke Tomeing ear ba ejjab maron kwalok jabdrewot mae ien elkin aer konono iben dron. Delegation report on Marshalls trip Report of the World Council of Churches Delegation to the Marshall Islands May 20 to June 4, 1983 ort ie Lk 3 Less than 40% left to count As of early Monday morning approval of the Compact was leading by MAJURQ, 12 Sep1. — Ro re) Kweppene Compact eo rej le iman kin 58%, ilo rainin, Monday. Einwot ba jenen in 3,278 ballot Friends United Meeting and member, Board of Govemors, National Council of the Churches of Christ, USA Thomas B. Cochran, Ph.D: Nuclear Physicist serving as a Senior while a total of 2,389 ballots were cast against the Compact. pact eo. Jonon in 60% in aolepen Washington, D.C. Baiteke Nabetari: General Secretary of the Pacific Conference of vote Administrative Secretary of the Staff Scientist for the Natural Resources Defense Council, ™~ Churches B. David Williams, Jr.: Associate Director for Peace Issues, National Council of Churches of Christ, USA, until recently Coordinator of the Church and Society Program, Pacific Conference of Churches Introduction small delegation. A final decision was made in consulta- I. Introduction tion with leaders of the United Continuing concern expressed Church of Christ in the by the Pacific churches, through Marshalis and the Roman the Pacific Conference of Chur-- Catholic Church there. The ches, plus requests from the team was hosted and its Marshall Islands caused the basic local itinerary suggested WCC to consider sending this Continued page 6 "% Boxes are still beine counted. 58%. So far a total of 3,278 ballots were cat in Team Members Kara L. Cole, Chairperson: i 20545 favor of the Compact, Roughly 60% of the total has been counted. The major voting categor- ies yet to be counted are the plebiscite day registra- tions and absentee votes. These roughly 3,500 votes take a Jong time to tabulate since each affadavit must individually be checked against the national registration list before the actual counting can begin. Continued page 3 rar rie Compact eo im 2,389 baliot rar nae Com- vole emwij bwine. Men co kio renaj jino bwini ej vole ko an ro rar register ilo ran in vote eo hab absentee vote ko. Jonon in 3,500 ej janin bwinbwin im enaj bh rumij aer etale einwot ke rej aikuij etale et he ctan ro far vote, Ilo Muajuro, ewor 2,368 absentee ak ro rar repister im vote ilo ran in vole co. Ilo Ebeye, ewor h-4 13 Sept. — U.S. BEPARTRERT OF EXEREY ots MAJURO, Coalition party leaders are going to meet tuday to Tormatate thea plans res -garding“the Compaxt of Free Association, according to Wotje Senator Litokwa Tomeing. e ave RECEIVED ene wre to discuss options ~ The total votes casted se far is VG2t RAPA Aes and 2.449 Jab. SS 7, Aet. The Marshallese students ourside ihe Mar halts voted 116 Aer and 5. dab. jae voted 80 Act and & Jab. Mason Alriery, RepMar press secrefury $avs a gopermment release will be out farer foday on the pichiscite resulrs, Tuesday, September 13, 1983 » oA, -_ 58.7% Act SI/ Oy Coalition meets at Schoot year in eka! ilo MIHS ewor elon lok jen 650 dri jikul ro. Jonon eo ton Lalaemaren cdi fon ve] 600 dri jikul, Jeinil ear ba. Jetnth ear ba ej min alikhkat oran dr jikul sae tua week jen hio hin wot acer ebbok dri jikul joa pi kul kajet. Lale page 4 ; ts over 650, the school’s capacity of 600. Jetnil said he won't knuw the exact figure of enrollment until two weeks from now because of the many transfer students fram other high schools. Registration fur transfer students continues for another week, ri MAJURO, 13 Sept. — Heavytransiers from other scheuls, teacher shortage end not enough classroamys hy making the Marshall tslands Public High Schuol teel the crunch this new schoel year, according to MIHS Principal Tony jetnil. Enrollment fur this term dha MIHS has too many students and not enough teachers ,onin 555 absentee ak ro rar Fegister im vote ilo ran in vute eo. Iho KMR, ewor 403 absentee voters. Koba iben ro rej jokwe ilkin Majol, ewor 3,500. Lale page 3 The HESTbuys! ab. AyROBERT REIMERS 4 39 WHOLESALE Calrase RICE fancy No. 1 20lbs....-......., Catrase RICE 50% fancy 20ilbs............. p.ans H Bd d