
November 16,

Dr. Charles L. Dunham, Director
Division of Blology and Medicine




United States Atomic Energy Commission
Washington, D.C.
Dear Dr. Dunham:

As requested by Dr. Boss in our telephone conversation of
November 2, we are forwarding to you for your immediate use
copies of theradiation readings as cOmpiled at Rongelap Atoll! on
November 7, 1955.
Our field party returned home Saturday evening November 12.

They accomplished al} the various phases of their mission, and

all commented on the wonderful support received from the Resi-

dent Engineer and his staff, Holmes and Narver, and the Task

Group support facilities at Eniwetok and Kwajalein.

We very much appreciate the part of the Division of Biology
and Medicine in organizing these support facilities for us.

We are all busy with analyses for the summary report of the
1,488 samples of soil, plants and animals collected by our staff
during October and November. We are still hoping to have the
report in your hands by December 195.
Sincerely yours,

~- Lauren R.



ec: Dr. W.R. Boss

Mr. Kenneth Englund




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