desired vertical angle over all of the operating frequency range from

1 to 23 megacyclea,

The transxitting and receiving antennas and the

ground plane were in mutual perpendicular planes with the plane of the
transmitting antenna oricnted 53 degrees to the east of magnetic north.

lonosphere recorder site (C-97 aircraft)


Same as for Rongerik and Kusaie, except that a C-3

ionosphere recorder was used,

This recorder is the same as the C-2,

except for a few modifications and improvements.

The tranamitting antenna in the C-07 was a single wire
delta fastened to the lateral extremities of the tail assembly.


Routine operation until H-15 minutes; thence once per


minute until H + 22 minutes: thence twice per minute, alternating the
receiving and transmitting antennas at the end of each 15 second aveep,
until approximately H + 92 minutes; thence once per minute until H + 8
hours; thence routine,


Routine until H-15 minutes, thence once per minute until

EH ¢ 8 bours; thence rcutine,

C-97 Airborne Station:

This station successfully participated in

this test and sore data were obtained.

Recorded data for this station

has not been available for review at the time of this writing due to the
planes return to Hickam AFB for maintenance,
All stations operated successfully for this shot,

At H +17 minutes a pronounced disturbance, sirilar to tmt

observed during

(Cherokee) and

Zuni), was observed in Ss

the FP region apparently moving towards Kusaie at about the height of the





Select target paragraph3