possessed various fields of view ani were suitabdly filtered to obtain
qualitative spectral distribution information,

All] channels vere recaded

on Consolidates Recorders except the six back-scatter channels in the
B-47 which were recorded on magnetic tape,

The cameras were equipped with

red and blue filters to obtain information at each end of the visible
region of the spectrum,

Several oameras vere equipped with apectroscopie

attachments to obtain continucus spectra in the visible region,

Two of

these spectrographs were operated at the EG&G Parry photo tower,

Information of the posifion in space of each aircraft is contained in

Project 5.1 = B-47

Project 5.3 - B-66

Project 5,2 - B52

Project 5.4 = B57


the post ahot reports of the following projecta:


The preliminary value of total thermal input to the

aireraft obtained by Project 5.7 instrumentation 4a included in the post
shot report of the appropriate project indicated above,

Back-scatter Measurements on the B-47:

The back-scatter inputs

were unexpectedly low on the basis of predicted direot thermal inputs, and
in consequence, resdable signals were obtained on only three of the six

The uncorrected values of these inputs is on the order of from

15 to 20 millicalories,
Photopraphio Data:

A total of thirty-five cameras were operated by

Project 5,7 on this event,


Thirty-three of these were airborne tr four

Of these, three failed to operate properly.

It is impossible

to state at this time how many of the remain'ng thirty films may subsequently
prove to be unsuitable for analysis as the films have not been developed.


48 believed that nearly all of these cameras obtained satisfactory recorde SNL
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Select target paragraph3