DASA 2619-2

This document here is an after-the-fact one.

EISENBUD: That's right. Normally you would expect, for example, that.the meteorology would be described, including the development of wind patterns starting a day or two before and running right
up to shot time.
This is not available. Lasked for it before i came
down here andit's still classified. So I couldn't bring it with me.

You mean it's available but classified?

Yes, right.

This would simply mean that nobody has

taken the time to declassify it, which takes work.

DUNHAM: [think Merril has a feel for the way this thing built up
in the Japanese press that nobody clse in this room can have. [hope
that he will just devote a few minutes to this, starting with, say,
throwing awaythe fish from the Fukuryu Maru.
Ihave a few more visual aids which I will pass around. You can
look at them a‘ your leisure. There is a record by Holmes & Narver*
of the repatriation of the Rongelap people, and it has nice pictures of
them and their habitats.
The only thing really wrong about it is that the pictures of the
original houses were taken after two years of total neglect and they
are not nice, well-kept-up homes such as Bob Conard and Cronkite
put in their report, which were pictures taken immediately after the
event. [ut otherwise I think you'll find these interesting.
The other things I want to pass around are pictures of Mr. Eisenbud and some of his Japanese friends, This is the july 17, 1954 issue
of the Saturday Evening Post,

with anarticle (Peference 5) entitled

"The Grim Facts of che H-bomb Accident.’ This was out at about the
height of the fever both inthis ountry and in Japan. It starts:
“Shortly before noon of a sunny day last January began the most fam“us voyage any Japanese ship has made since the battleship YAMOTO
undertook the dramatic suicidal sortie from the Inland Sea." It shows
pictures of Dr. John Morton examining the fisherman, It shows pictures of Merril wandering around on the deck of the Fukuryu Maru,
Please treat it gently because it's my only copy.
“The Holmes & Narver Co. was contractor to the Joint Task Force and
rehabilitated the islands of Rongelap and Eniwetok on the Rongelap Atoll.
The document referred to was never published,

Select target paragraph3