DASA 2039-2

FREMONT-SMITH: Isn't there a lesson for the whele purpose and
goal of these series of conferences in this discussion thet's taking
place this morning? Human nature is not going to change that fast
and we're going to have a variety of conflicts and atzitudes, and
hawks and doves,

with respect toa, b, c, andd,

ia preparation for

the possibility of atomic war. Also, if there ever is 4 nuclear war,
there will be this same kine of confusion and rea::tion all over the
world. So it seems to me that this aspect of huraan nature, which
we're probably going to have to face in one way or another as long as
there's human nature around, is one of the certral lessons for this
whole business, If we're going to get anythin: out of this, part of
it is going to come by the fact that human ature is this way and that
there are conflicts in authority, the highest ievel of authority. You're
going to get denial of facts, as Jack brougy) out; clearly evident facts
will be denied up ind down and proved not .o be so by other authority,

I attended a conference that the Civil efense put on in which the

problem faced by the group in this 3-das meeting was that a bomb
has been dropped, This was the assumption, and we were to focus
attention on two counties in northern New York State bordering onthe
of the Great Lakes. According to the assumption, the wind has blown
the fallout over these counties and the question is what do you do?
Well, the report of this meeting war never published, not, I think, so
much because it was classified, bu’. because it was unbearable to have
a group of intelligent people about as confused as we were. We ended
up with a terrible wrangle as to vho was to milk the cows! [Laughter]
So, I think that among the lessons is that there's a lack of a logical
approach to the realities of the problem that can be counted upon no
matter where we stand. I would throw in one little touch, and that is
that we are all aware of the .act that the weather every once ina
while turns out differently from what is predicted,
LANGHAM: I would like to refer back again to the conflict of interest on the part of sci-:ntists trying to work together. Each man's
ego is tied up with his ‘ob,
FREMONT-SMITH: You are right.
ences are bringing this out every day.

Our multi-disciplined confer-

LANGHAM: Ihave a rather amusing story that illustrates this. |
don't know whether lL ever told Dr. Warren, but he kept getting messages from the co.:onel on Eniwetok who was in Charge of putting the
droned B-17s8 through the clouds at Bikini.

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