DASA 2019-2

was to take a bunch of Air Force personnel to the reactor at Oak Ridge
and have them visit it, and while they were within the building and
lookiny at the outside of the reactor, a lot of lights would flash and
bells would ring and sv on and so forth, and the loudspcaker would go

on the air, “Evacuate the building immediately, Everybody has received a lethal dose of radiation,’ Then a group of psychologists
would stand around and see how these people behaved, Of course, it
wat absolutely unrealistic in terms of the person who was motivated.


Thie war just an idea?

It was never done?

It was never done, but it was very seriously proposed,

FREMONT-SMITH: Especially that "You have jurt received a
lethal dose." Therefore, you may be used in any way we see [it.
DUNHAM: Right. Anyway. [though it might be useful to try to
review the context within which these events took piace. [think one
has to go back to the fact that there waa a war, that two atomic bombs
were dropped on Japan, and that tne Japanese were the only people
who have ever experienced bona fide masa effects of nuclear weapons,
admittedty smal’ ones. One also has in object. ..

It was not bona fide in Spain?

DUNHAM: That's a little different. Wright will tell you what his
definition of the effects there is, ['m sure, later on.

f just had to throw that in.

DUNHAM: Yes. Anyway, in 1949 the U.S.S.R. did detonate an
A-bomb, and [can remember a meeting calied hurriedly about getting
on with our program, Shortly after that there was this tremendous
debate, which is all available on the public record, a large part of it
in the Oppenhcimer hearings, as to whether or not we should develop
the H-bomb, As you recall, both Oppenheimer and Conant had looked
at what had happened at Hiroshima and Nagasaki; they then imagined
what an H-bomb would do and they were totally incapable of doing anything except sert of turning the other way and saying "We must have
nothing to do with it, ‘and ‘Well,

maybe the Russians will build one,

but nopefully they wor’. use it.’’ You know the decision was made to
go ahead with the H-bomb program and at the Ivy Mike shot there was
the first detonation of a thermonuclear device. [It wasn't a weapon
but it showed that the whole thing was a reality and possible, and

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Select target paragraph3