
DASA 20192

From there I went to Korea and continued my work in weapons,
only at this particular time Ll was concerned with the targeting aapects of nuclear weapons. Ll returned from that and I'm now with the
Atamic Support Agency in the Office of the Deputy for Science and
Technology. As surmeone mentioned 2 few minutes ago, this is the
new name for the old AFSWP, or Armed Forces Special Weapons Pro-

ject which divided out of the Manhattan Pruject back in 1947.
We are concerned with the overall management of the Department
of Detense Effects Research,

laboratory research and teat programs

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that are going on in Nevada and in the various laboratories all over

the country, both povernmental and private. We work with the Atomic
Energy Commission, We also work with many private contractors,
WYCKOFF: U'm Harold Wyckoff, presently at the Armed Forces
Radiobiology Research Institute at DASA, I[ suppose when one gets
to my age, one can look back and wonder why one's interests have
taken a particular direction, Major changes of interest may often be
traced to a particular environment or acquaintance, When I attended
high echool, iLecame interested in electrical engineering, This interest was aroused by the presence of a small radio broadcasting
station belonging to the school and built, maintained, and operated
by the students, My participation in this fascinating activity did much
to sha'e my future. Electrical engineering continued to hold niy interest through my first year at college. At that time the broader
horizons and close contact with graduate students inthe ‘purer’ sciences influenced my planning for the future. During thia time, I
considered both chemistry and physics as possible majors and ulti.

mately chose the latter.
The subject for my thesis was inthe area then called “modern


The high voltage source required for it was only available

at one of the local cancer clintes,


| hecame interested in what

is now called radiological physics, When [ graduated it was a natural
step to the National bureau of Standards (NES) where the radiation


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standards tor such work were being developed under the direction of

Lauriston Taylor.
This more or less orderly progression was interrupted ror about
two years during World War i. The NDS standards activity was slowed
down and the ma.power was diverted to other activities. I spent those
two years as a member of Laury Taylor's operational research group
atthe 9th Air Force,

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