DASA 2019-2

looking and there was due multiplication everywhere except among a
pair of snakes who were speciclists, They were adders, and he encouraped them but they had not done: ything. So, re was kind of
sad, went away,

came back about four or five months later and saw

shat they had multiphed, He said, "Well, isn't that wondertul’"' And
they said, “Yes. You know, we're adders, Lut we found aut about

logarithms, that you can multiply!" [Laughter]

Um Wright Langham cf the Los Alamos Scientific

Laboratory where I've been now for some twenty-four years.


a year or su with Seaborg at Chicago I was transferred to Los Alamos
where [ve been ever since and where (migrated into the biologicalmedical aspects of radiation, I've never had a chance to admit publicly before that one of the principal things [fim proud of is that f con.
gider myself a protégé of Dr. Warren sitting on myleft.


Was L respensible for that! [Laughter]
He tauzht me many things.

This does not mean I

always agreed with him; in fact, [ just noted here that the first time


I disagreed with him was on February 12, 1945. [am happy to acknowledge at this time that Iam proud to be his protégé.

WARREN [learned a great deal from him. You can't imagine
the vacuum, the intellectual vacuum, that existed when those of us
responsible for the safety of the community gathered together in
Alamogordo with really no information on what was going to happen,
The guesses and thse facts put together by Wright Langham, Jim

Louis Hempelman,

Jack Hubbard,

Soe Hirshfcider,

and the

late Paul Abersold, a most unreconstructed group who, as General
Farrell said, must have used a divining rod to guess the weather,
came out right; a homogeneous group of neomctcorologpists,
The picture that was created by this group, it seemed to me, wag
pretty close to the facts that happened later, and they worked out very
well, Thave to thank both Wright Langham and Bob Conard for their
comributions at Bikini, The chairman, Frank Fremont-Sriith, of
course, is notorious because he collected radioactive sodium scawater
72 miles downwind from the test site, He pot there just in time, to
the horror of the captain of the ship.



The rainwater.

Select target paragraph3