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DASA 2019-2


themselves unable to resist curling up with the little brochure that
was sent out by Colonel Hemler's group. But [ will ran through it
briefly. Among the largely irrelevant endeavors that have resulted
in my being here, I was an English majar at Yale in 1932, a very
poor year for English or any other majors; this was foliowed by two
quiet years of sitting alone and reading on an old abandoned farm.
Then I went to Syracuse where [ took my Master's degree in public
administration. Then there were about nine years of working in the

public welfare ©-'d, followed by a brief hitch in the land-locked Navy.

Then [ went in

Veterans' A
Dunham in I+

* Federal Government where first Iwas ina very

the Foreign Relations Service of the

‘ation. I first ran into Staff Warren and Chuck
wnen I went with the Federal Civil Defense Adminis-



{beat my head against a stone wall in one way cr another until a
few years apo when I moved out of government and went with Public
Administration Service, which is a consulting service that works only
for government, My involvements there have been largely irrelevant
to our discussion here, I've been concerned with such things as local
building codes, the education of the deaf, federal grants-in-aid to
states, the use of data processing machinery in vocational educational
schools and things of that sort. But at one time in government | was
with the Planning Board of the National Security Council and engaged
in an enterprise of which this conference reminds me very much:
the human effects of nuclear weapons development. -In this, two of
my colleagues were Frank Fremont-Smith and Staff Warren, and I'm
sure thai my invulvement here is somehow or other an outgrowth of
I would say that my pleasure at being here at the second conference
is heightened by the realization that George Casarett will be editing
this series! {iLaughter{ So, my responsibility ends with the discussion,
WARREN: Well, [' try to make mine bricf. It's a little difficult .
because [ am the oldest one here, of course, and I've been in the
radiation biologyfield. ..

You're not quite as old as lam, [ don't think.

You're just a young squirt in my mind!

is what you are, Frank! [Laughtcr]


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