in-between is and, if we cannot arrive at the conclusions, that per-

haps we can pin down the questions more definitely.

I won't take much more time here. | would like to mention that
we, in DASA, are still firmly for the idea of the conference series,
However, I am sure that all of you have been reading in the napers
about the budgetary problems that the Government is having at this
Even with this type of budgetary problem that faces us right now,
we definitely will go for a third conference. [It is hoped that we can
continue on to complete the sericea, If not, we would actively support
some other Governmental or non-Governmental agency in continuing
with the series because we feel that itis extremely desirable and
The first two conferences serve primarily to acquaint us with
the facts that have occurred inthe past. The succeeding conferences
are designed to try to extrapolate from these facts, clus a few assuinptions, and to see how we can make these meld with the questions and
the conclusions regarding long-term cffects of general nuclear war.
BRUES: Lassume from this you are not suggesting that itis appropriate for us to discuss here where the Government should put its
money, We would probably have little influence in this matter!



HEMLER: Leertainly agree there, We're not even sure that we
have any influence’ [Laughter} Perhaps { should say we are sure we
do not have any influence,
tion from you.

Fremont-Smith, we would like to hear some diacus-

FREMONT-SMITH: Well, [also want to welcome all of you, those
of you who have been here before and those of you who are here for
the firai time.

lt is a delight to me to have the opportunity to facilitate our being

here together.

Some of you may remember that at the previous cone

ference [went through the motions, which | like todo, of rernuoving my

coat. These are going to be informal conferences but there should be
a bit of formality at the beginning. Lusually get a smile out of that.

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