Dr. Alvin ¢. Grayos


February 27, 1951

Now, ur. Butenhoff assures me that adecuate arrangements have been made
with Lieutenant Colonel uUitchell; however, in Looking over the slang for
this vroject, it appears to me that there are organizational road blocks
between Mr. Butenhoff and the job we expect him to do. I am concerned,
therefore, that he may find it somewhat awkward effectively to discharge
the responsibilitics we are placing upon Rim. It seems to me that, if he
is going to give proper attention and supervision to the projects in which
the .inC is interested, ne mist have a freer hand than is indicated in the
present organization. How this can be achieved is something which ;ou, of
course, ars better able to determine than I. However, it occurs to moa that
Hy, Butenhoff would have a better opportunity to exercise the requisite
amount of initiative and judgment, and at the same time render greater
service to your staff, if he were to be given a post as, for example,
Special Assistant to Lieutenant Commander Delano. Under such an arrangement
I would, of course, want -ir. Butenhoff to render every rossible assistance
to Ur. Delano and Colonel :Aitchell, but at the same time I would feel in a
better nesition than under the present arrangement to hold Ur. Butenheff
accountable for the information the Ano hopsa to obtain from these tests.

I will very much aporeciate any assistance you may be able to give us in
this matter.
With kindest personal rogards, I am
Sincerely yours,

Shislds iarren, ii. J.

Director, Division of

Biology and Medicine





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