Existing Submarine Control and Signal Cable, not installed.

The Re-

connaissance Report indicated that a total of 218,900 feet of surplus 10conductor armored submarine cable was supposed to be on Eniwetok and Parry.
A total of approximately 137,000 feet of this cable has been located, identi-

fied, and tested on Eniwetok.

A number of the 28 reels located had been out-

doors exposed to the weather.

These have been brought into warehouse D on

Eniwetok Island where the other reels were stored.

Hight of the 28 reels were

in poor to severely damaged condition but all of the cable was in good condition.
The balance of the 10=-conductor cable reported to be on Parry Island will also be located, identified ani tested to determine whether or not it can be
used for future operations.
There is reported to be approximately 348,000 feet of 3 conductor submarine cable on the Atoll.

It is doubtful if ay of this cable can be used

on the next operation, since it was abandoned on Operation Sandstone as being

However a portion of this cable will be tested and may be

used to provide temporary telephone trunking between cniwetok and Parry during the construction period prior to the installation of the telephone submarine cable described under the COMMUNICATIONS section of this Report.
The following is intended to supplement and revise the information con-

tained in the Reconnaissance Report relative to this subject, Section IV,

Pages 126 through 128.
Storage Capacity.

In the light of latest information regarding ex-

pected fuel consumption, it appears that adequate storage capacity can be
obtained by providing the following tankage:
On Eniwetok Island:

(a}’ 73 and 80 Octane Aviation Gasoline-storage will be in drums

Select target paragraph3