TABLe«e SiCTION I OF CONTENTS Page No. - INTRODUCTION ae Historical ~ -----+-+-+-+-e+--+---Operational Plan ------+-+-+-+---<--s. Outline- - ------++-+-+-+-+-+--+-+SECTION II ~ CRITERIA -6 - 6 Communications - ----+-+-+-+-+-.+-+-<--<--. Transportation - -- ---+<+-e2e-2-+-+-+-e-Utilities -«--+#-+-+--+-+-+-+-+---- - 8 - 9 - 9 -11 -l1 “12 Water Systems- ---- ---------Sanitary Sewer System- - +--------Electrical Power Supply Systems- - - - - - -19 -20 ~20 Communications - ------------- -21) Hlectrical Power Distribution -----=- - Control and Signal Cables- -------Fuel Handling and Storage- - ----+-+--=-Paving, Roads and Airstrips- - - ----- Soil Stabilization -----------Causeway - ----------+-+-++--Piers- ----------+2+-+-+e-e-e-6- - CONSTRUCTION -17 -2h, =25 -27 -29 -30 -30 =30 Purvose= - ---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+2++-+-6 =32 Beginning of Phase II- ----+--+-+-+---=- -% Operations Supporting Construction - - - - =36 Transportation - -- ---.-*<«-+-+-+-+e+- -37 Facilities for Personnel - - - ------ - 38 Logistics Support- -------++-.-+-e. 6 Phase I Operations -----+-+-+-+---General Concepts ----+--+-+-e-+-+--- Aggregates and Testing ------7 --° Construction Camps - - -----+--+--- Finally- -------+-+----+----- SECTION V ~ 8 - 8 - DESIGN General ---+7+--+--+-+--+-+----6 Surveys --------2e eee eee ee Personnel Buildings- ----------- Experimental Structures- - -------5 SECTION. IV ~ 5 General- --------+--+-+---+-eExperimental Islands - ------+-+--- Construction Campe -----+----+-+-Special Structures - - -----+-+--+-- SECTION TIT -l - 2 = PLATES Index to Plates- -- ----+-+-+-+-+---- Property of -32 -33 -35 -37 -38 -39 ~),2 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY QOE/NV TECHNICAL INFORMATION RESOURCE CENTER Las Vegas, NV 89193