Requirements During Construction.

It was contemplated in the Recon-

naissance Report (see Page IV-95) that construction forces initially housed
at Eniwetok in small numbers and later based on Parry would require power
for their operations prior to the completion of the final plants.

To this

end a survey was made and some low-voltage skid mounted Diesel generator
units were located on Eniwetok.
in suitable condition.

These units required repairs to put then

These repairs have been and are being made and these

units are being used for this purpose.

Several additional small units wil

be used to supplement the ones obtained on “niwetok.
Since a modification of the Many Small Plant scheme of power supply is
being adopted as the power supply system for the operations, no inter-island

power distribution is required (see Pages 1V-96 to IV-101 of the Report).
Power Distribution on Islands.

Overhead distribution will be provided

on Parry and Eniwetok and for the construction camp portion of experiment

Underground distribution will be used for primary feeders as well

as secondary feeders and branch circuits serving instrumentation loads on

experiment islands (see Page IV-102 of Report).
The Proving Ground operation will require reliable communication between
stations located on Parry, Eniwetok, Japtan, the experiment islands, the Photo
Towers, and ships anchored in the lagoon.

These needs are particularly vital

during the period before each experiment.

The Armed Forces will require the

use of communication facilities on Eniwetok and the experiment islands for
security personnel operations.

Construction personnel will utilize communi-

cations between the various islands during the construction period.



Select target paragraph3