estimated demand for one experiment island at full activity is now determined as follows:

200-Man camp at 0.5 KW per man

100 KW

Instrumentation utility


Current estimated maximum demand during experiment

130 KW

This requirement is also subject to additional engineering analysis as requirements are firmed up and designs prepared.

The table in the Reconnaissance

Report on estimated system demand is no longer of significance, since it has
been decided to provide an individual power plant serving each of these loads
rather than serving the entire system from one or two plants.


Plate Noe 21 shows the present Power Demand Estimate and a portion of
the Load Cycle for all islands.
Type of Sources.

The Reconnaissance Report developed the fact that a

Diesel plant or Diesel plants would be the most economical solution to the

power source problem consistent with reliability (see Pages IV-82 to IV-8)).
Number, Location,and Capacity of Diesel Plants.

A modification of the

many plant schemes recommended on Page IV-107 has been adopted.
plan is shown on Plate 22.

The present

Both experiment island power and Photo Island

power will be voltage mcnitored at the firing control center during shot
One power plant will be provided on each of the three experiment islands

to serve the living quarters, the Timing Building, the Zero Tower, and the
Photo Tower.

Each plant will be housed in a permanent reinforced concrete

structure constructed partially below ground and protected on the side toward

the Zero Tower by earth revetments.

It will be located either at the camp

or between the camp and the Timing Building.

It is planned that each of

these experiment island power plants will consist of two 118 KW Diesel


Select target paragraph3