on Parry Island and the possibility of a considerable increase in the number
of Military personnel on Eniwetok Island during times of experiments.


tents will be erected on concrete floor slabs with latrine and shower facilities in more permanent structures.

Site Planning.
Parry Island.

The Site Plan shown on Plate l has been approved for

The grouping of buildings has been planned to take full ad-=

vantage of existing roads and usable buildings wherever possible.


pier locations for freight and personnel are being reused but will require
considerable rebuilding and enlarging.

The present Marine Ramp and Marine

Rail cay ire +> be reused in their present locations.

Housing is being pro-=

vided for 220 scientific personnel and 0 operating and maintanance personnel along the ocean shore of the island to obtain the maximum exposure to
prevailing breezes.

In addition, provision is included for a 200-Man tent

camp with latrine and shower buildings for possible peak requirements.
The Administrative Area on Parry Island, including AEC Administration

Building, Contractor's Adminsitration Building, Photo Laboratory, Instrument
Laboratory and Repair Shops, and Counting and Sample Laboratories, is located
centrally and entirely enclosed by an 8 foot high chain link fence with entrance gates under Security Guard control.
Island is the Firing Control Center.

Also centrally located on Parry

The air strip is located south of all

quarters adjacent to the personnel pier.

F.O.L. facilities are located on

the lagoon side on the north end of the island adjacent to deep water.
For Eniwetok Island the facilities to be provided are not firm as of
the date of preparation of this Report.

Current planning provides for the

construction of a 660=Man camp of semi-permanent type quarters and utilities.
Since the number of personnel to be housed on Eniwetok Island may possibly
be increased over the number of 660, it is planned that the increase will be




Select target paragraph3