1 February 1949.

The program for horizontal and vertical control and

scope of field work to be performed by our survey forces in connection with
the design of facilities as proposed and described in the Reconnaissance
Report on Pages IV=2 to IV-10 inclusive, have been and are being followed.
This work is proceeding according to schedule.

Aluminum Building Construction.

As a result of the study and cost

analysis, referred to in the Reconnaissance Report of 7 January 19L9, it
was determined that in so far as possible aluminum alloy would be used for
building cuusvruction due to structural stability, durability, cost, prefabrication possibilities, and the adaptability of a simple basic design to
all required uses, and the ease and speed of erection.

The standard build-

ing will be 2h'0" clear width inside entirely free of columns, trusses, and
tie rods, and may be built in any length on '0" modules.

The original de-

sign of aluminum buildings called for a 3'0" module but as a result of a
more detailed study this was increased to !0" to take advantage of economies
in material and erection cost.

The standard height of side walls will be

8'O" from cement floor to base line but can be increased up to 16'0" if ree

None of the buildings planned except the power plant for Parry

Isiand and Eniwetok Island will have a plate line in excess of 8'0".


tails have been completed to allow various plan combinations of the 2!
buildings placed side by side or in T or L shaped plans.
The walls are so designed that two-thirds of the wall area may be
opened for ventilation by means of awning type aluminum panels arranged in
pairs one over the other from floor to door height.

Swing doors 2'10" by

7'O" and sliding doors 6'10" by 7'7" may be placed at any modular distance
on side or end walls to fit plan requirements.

All swing door openings will


Select target paragraph3