between Parry lsiand, Amiyaanii, Coral Head, Runit, Biijiri, and Engebi have
been tested and found to still be serviceable and it is contemplated these
will be reused, and any additional signal and control cable which will be
Laid will be taken from the surplus stock now at the Atoll.

This additional

cable which is stored in reels has been tested and found to be in satisfactory

For inter-island transportation the air strips on Parry Island, Aniyaanii,
Runit, Biijiri and Engebi will be reconditioned; first, by laying Marsten
metal mats iui siu.cdiate use, and later by asphalt paving over this matting.
Piers of wood pile construction will be provided for the operation of boats
on the lagoon between islands.
The electric power requirements are extremely important and detailed
economic studies have been made and the decision reached to provide a power
plant to serve each island or group of islands.

The power plants and their

locations are discussed later in this Report.
For water supply, a dual system is provided at all locations where per=Sonnel will be housed.

A salt water system will be used for toilet flushing

and fire protection and a fresh water system will be used for washing, showers,
and drinking purposes.

The fresh water will be obtained by the use of com-

pression type distillation units which are further described hereinafter.
An adequate sewage collection system with outfall sewers to the lagoon
will be provided on all islands which are inhabited.

Trash and garbage will

be incinerated.
Neither Aomom Island or Biijiri Island contain sufficient area to provide

Select target paragraph3