In no sense would Bikini facilities equal those at Eniwetox, and the greater
part of all preparatory, maintenance, storage, communication and other
work would be done at Eniwetok.

To further this » it was determined that

several of the devices to be tested would be assembled and checked out on
barges at Eniwetok which would then be towed to Bikini for detcnation.


Because of the short time interval planned between IVY and CASTLE, it

was determined that the Joint Task Force organization should be maintained

in the interim period.

Strength of “Eq TG 132.1 was shifted from IVY into

CASTLE as Hq TG 7.1 with few changes in personnel, and little loss of numbers.
During early 1953 a number of Task Group personnel were utilized at the Nevada
Proving Grounds during the continental UPSHOT/KNOTHOLE test series.


move had the dual virtue of holding the organization together, and providing
excellent training for future overseas operations.

Even though the date of

CASTLE was postponed it appeared better to retain as many military personnel

from IVY as possible than to process and clear new personnel just before the
operational phase.

This has proven to be a justifiable practice, and has

added to the relatively smooth planning and build-up of CASTIE, insofar as
T 7.1 is concerned.

Select target paragraph3